How a mythical university brought a community together....and funded essential services for our cities.
episode summary
episode summary
tales from the iowa great lakes
Hello! These photos are mainly collected from a University of Okoboji "yearbook" published in July 1986. You'll also see a picture of The Richters' childhood Milford from the 50s, newspaper clippings for U of O Homecomings, and a photo of Herman donating the Scott Air Packs to the Milford Fire Department. If you have U of O photos you'd like to share, send them to us at
episode info
Hello! These photos are mainly collected from a University of Okoboji "yearbook" published in July 1986. You'll also see a picture of Milford from the 50s, The Richters grew up in newspaper clippings for U of O Homecomings, and a photo of Herman donating the Scott Air Packs to the Milford Fire Department. If you have U of O photos you'd like to share, send them to us at